【學英文】疫情下消費極度謹慎 「Cautious」形容小心翼翼避免風險
發布時間: 2020/04/29 12:42
最後更新: 2020/05/18 14:03
形容詞cautious可以解「謹慎的、小心翼翼的」,以避免風險--avoid risks。例如,
- He is a cautious driver and always obeys the speed limit.(他是謹慎的司機,總是遵守速度限制。)
- Teachers and students must be careful and cautious in the laboratory.(師生在實驗室時必須小心謹慎。)
Cautious所指的「謹慎」,也可以是用來描述「斟酌過的、經過仔細考慮的」-well-considered。常用句式to be cautious about something,指出就甚麼事情小心謹慎。例句︰
- Consumers are extremely cautious about spending as some are expecting declining incomes.(消費者對支出非常謹慎,因為有些人預計收入會下降。)
- Heavily influenced by the potential economic crisis, many companies are very cautious about decision-making.(受潛在經濟危機的嚴重影響,許多公司對決策非常謹慎。)
- Experts are cautiously optimistic that the coronavirus curve is flattening.(專家對冠狀病毒曲綫趨於平緩持謹慎樂觀態度。)
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撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師