【小學試題】小四英文搶分練習題答案 認識時態「未來簡單式」(Future Tense)
發布時間: 2020/10/14 00:00
Part A.
1. Will you do
2. is going to be
3. will use
4. am going
5. is going to
6. is going to get
7. will go
8. will remember
Part B.
1. She is going to buy a sandwich on the way to school.
2. She is going to take a taxi.
3. She is going to run straight to the school.
4. They are going to have a test.
5. She is going to have tea at a fast food restaurant.
6. She is going to pay for her friend's food.
7. She is going to trip over it.
8. She is going to wait outside the house until mum comes back.
Part C.
1. am going to start
2. are going to put
3. am going to eat
4. Will / go
5. are not going to lose
6. will keep
7. will remember
8. are going