【小學試題】小三英文搶分練習題答案 認識比較級形容詞(Comparative Adjectives)
發布時間: 2021/06/30 00:00
Part A.
Part B.
1. wiser than
2. easier than
3. the heaviest
4. cheaper than
5. bigger than
6. the longest
7. the fastest
8. the hardest
9. the tallest
Part C.
Part D.
1. worst
2. bravest
3. most humorous
4. crunchiest
5. more exciting
Part E.
1. the laziest
2. the rudest
3. smarter than
4. the luckiest
5. the easiest
6. the wisest
7. the highest
8. thinner than
9. fatter than
10. longer than
11. larger than
12. smaller than
13. the biggest
14. the prettiest
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