【小學試題】小四英文搶分練習題答案 閱讀理解睇故事回答問題
發布時間: 2022/09/07 00:00
Part A.
1. A
2. C
3. C
4. A
John : i) football ii) chess
Susan : i) basketball ii) chess
6. C
7. They live with their grandmother / granny / grandma.
8. old / energy
( 3 ) We learn about John and Susan.
( 1 ) Miss Downs helps Susan check out the red book.
( 1 ) The children walk home.
( 4 ) We learn about Grandma
Part B.
1. energetic
2. dead
3. granny
4. bright
5. dangerous
6. excerpt
7. strange
8. windowsill
9. captain
10. half-back
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