DSE2024|DSE文憑試英文口試首3日考9大主題 即睇小組討論及個人短講足本題目


發布時間: 2024/03/18 12:58

最後更新: 2024/04/09 12:07





中學文憑試(DSE)英文科卷四口試(Oral)正進行得如火如荼,該卷分為小組討論及個人短講,英文補習名師Spencer sir綜合應屆DSE考生獲得首3日的英文口試部分題目,接下來要應試的考生可以參考一下,做好準備。不過題目所用的字眼有機會與考題原本字眼有少許出入,惟題目意思應大致相同。


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    • 章節
    • 關閉描述, 選擇


      DSE英文口試|Digital Museum

      Part A group interaction:

      • Why are people sharing art collections online?
      • What are the differences between watching art collections online and watching in person?
      • How can local museums compete with digital museums to attract more viewers?

      Part B individual response:

      • Do you like going to museums?
      • Do you think that more art lessons should be provided in schools?
      • Do you think that the popularity of online museums will last in the future?
      • Who do you think will go to museums? Teenagers or elderly?
      • Should teenagers be encouraged to go to museums?
      • What can people learn by watching art collections?

      DSE英文口試|Delivery apps

      Part A group interaction:

      • How popular are delivery apps?
      • What challenges are delivery workers currently facing?
      • What can we do to safeguard these delivery workers?

      Part B individual response:

      • Would you prefer to be a food delivery worker?
      • Will food delivery jobs be replaced by technology in the future?
      • How do food delivery apps increase the number of unhealthy people?

      DSE英文口試|Ugly Buildings in Hong Kong

      Part A group interaction:

      • Should a building look attractive?
      • What is the standard of keeping or replacing?
      • What are the reasons that ugly buildings are kept?

      Part B individual response:

      • Do you think buildings in Hong Kong should be built higher?
      • Which building in Hong Kong do you like the most?
      • Why do some people think that ugly buildings are attractive?


      DSE英文口試|Impacts of tourism to the world

      Part A Group interaction:

      • What are the benefits tourism can bring to a city?
      • What are the problems that may be inflicted by tourism in a city?
      • Should Hong Kong follow the policies adopted by other countries as mentioned in the text?

      Part B individual response:

      • Do you prefer to travel alone or with friends?
      • Do you travel with your friends or family?
      • What makes Hong Kong a good place to visit?
      • What can you learn from travelling to other cities?

      DSE英文口試|Driverless tram

      Part A Group interaction:

      • Is having driverless trams in Hong Kong a good idea?
      • Do you think people would love to take part in designing driverless trams?
      • Are there any features that can be added to the tram?

      Part B individual response:

      • Do you like driverless trams?
      • Do you think that the popularity of trams will decline in the future?
      • Do you that that people should use more public transport?
      • Do you agree that trams are a type of good transport
      • Do you think public transport in Hong Kong is crowded?

      DSE英文口試|Comfort Food

      Part A Group Interaction:

      • Reasons why people eat comfort food
      • Can comfort food be part of a healthy diet
      • Other ways to help people relieve stress and improve mental health

      Part B Individual Response:

      • Do old and young people have different kinds of comfort foods?
      • Do you think snacks should be banned from schools?
      • What is your comfort food?
      • When will you eat comfort food?
      • Did your eating habits change in times of the pandemic?
      • Do you think comfort food for teenagers would suit the older ones?
      • What are the differences in eating habits between the younger and older generations?
      • Do you think that comfort food needs a health warning?


      DSE英文口試|multifunctional café

      Reading text:
      Four examples of multi-functional cafes are provided:
      1. Café-coding Academy
      It is a kind of café, offering ample seating, power, sockets, Wi-Fi, and Courses in website, development and computer programming
      2. Café-massage parlour
      It is kind of a massage parlour providing fine coffee operated by visually impaired workers. It may elicit students’ ideas about the sense of social responsibility and knowledge about social enterprises.
      3. Café- hair salon
      It is a kind of café, offering good coffee and food to be enjoyed by my customers having their hairstyling
      4. Café-laundromat
      It is the kind of café where customers can enjoy coffee and use self-service washing machines that promote the concept of being eco-friendly and resource-efficient

      Part A: Group interaction:

      • Why multi-functional cafes are gaining popularity?
      • Which multi-functional cafe will attract the most number of customers?
      • What advice would you have for people who want to start a multi-functional cafe?

      Part B Individual response

      • Would you like to work in a cafe?
      • Will you do your homework in a cafe?
      • Would you like to go to a chain cafe like Starbucks?
      • Do you think that multi-functional cafés will replace traditional cafés?
      • What businesses can benefit from a wide area of space?
      • Will multi-functional cafes replace traditional cafes?
      • Why do Hong Kong people nowadays love going to cafes?


      Reading text:

      Types of podcasts given:News, Storytelling, Conversation

      Part A Group Interaction:

      • Which kind of podcast do you think works best to promote Hong Kong?
      • What should be covered in this podcast?
      • How can we pique the interest of the listeners?

      Part B Individual response:

      • Do you think podcasts can advertise a place?
      • Do you find making a podcast is fun?
      • When would you listen to podcasts?
      • What skills do you think a podcast host should acquire?
      • If you are a podcast host, what topic would you choose?
      • What types of podcasts do you prefer listening to?
      • Why do you think some people like listening to podcasts?
      • Which one would you choose - video casting or new casting?

      DSE英文口試|Helping marginalized communities

      Part A Group Interaction:

      • Why is it crucial for youngsters to help those in need?
      • Which activity—the food angel or the blue fridge—is better suited for our school to host?
      • Other things that can be done by schools to help people in need.

      Part B Individual response:

      • Do you have experience joining any community services
      • Do you think Blue Fridge will work well in your district?
      • Do you have experience in doing donations?
      • Do you think there are a lot of leftovers in Hong Kong?
      • Will you put food in the blue fridge?
      • What type of food is suitable for donations?
      • Why would some companies decide to donate their leftovers?

      Disclaimer: The wordings may deviate from the original version from HKEAA a bit


