【中小學試題】小四英文搶分練習題答案 認識情態助動詞(Modal Verbs)用法


發布時間: 2024/05/01 00:00







1. C

2. D

3. C

4. D

5. B

6. D

7. C / D

8. A

9. D

10. B

11. D

12. A

13. C

14. B



1. can

2. Would

3. must / should / may

4. Shall

5. could

6. will

7. must / should / need to / have to

8. Shall

9. have / need

10. may / can

11. can / may

12. May / Can / Could / Shall

13. must / should / have to / need to

14. needn't / don't have to



1. can borrow books. ; should keep quiet. ; mustn't write on the books.

2. may find small insects like bees. ; can't see a bank. ; shouldn't pick the flowers.

3. may not have enough time. ; must stop when the time is up. ; shouldn't open the books.

4. have to press the bell if we want to get off. ; mustn't put our hands out of the windows. ; shouldn't eat or drink.

5. could play tennis very well. ; had to practise four hours every day. ; couldn't eat fatty food. 

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