

發布時間: 2015/04/15 23:20

最後更新: 2015/05/05 14:50



Facebook的CEO朱克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)昨舉行答問大會。他以往透過視像直播跟網民對談,今次一改方式,在fb即時回答網民問題,吸引數以千計網民留言及發問;短短一小時內抽出16條問題。

連維珍集團創辦人布蘭森Richard Branson也化身「網民」之一,留言問全球三分二人現時未能上網,若他們上網可帶來甚麼好處?





fb去年以20億美元收購的虛擬實境科技公司Oculus VR,有網民問該公司的願景是甚麼?他表示,Oculus建立虛擬實境媒介,讓人在現實中無法完成的事,如周遊列國、跟心愛的人在一起等。

5條朱克伯格的 Q&A

1。可否在fb工作(May I have a job at Facebook?)

Mark Zuckerberg:https://www.facebook.com/careers

2你每工作幾多時間(How many hours do you work a day?)

Mark Zuckerberg:That depends on what you count as work. I spend most of my time thinking about how to connect the world and serve our community better, but a lot of that time isn't in our office or meeting with people or doing what you'd call real work.


I take a lot of time just to read and think about things by myself. If you count the time I'm in the office, it's probably no more than 50-60 hours a week. But if you count all the time I'm focused on our mission, that's basically my whole life.

3.科技是否給弱勢社群的最好教育工具?發問者是歌星 Shakira( Hi Mark! How do you think technology can best be used as an education tool for those living in disadvantaged communities?  

Mark Zuckerberg:Thanks for the question Shakira!


I’m very excited about personalized learning — giving everyone the ability to use technology to learn what they’re most interested in and at their own pace. There are some great new schools experimenting with different personalized learning models and getting great results.


I’m supporting some of those schools through my personal philanthropy, and Facebook is also helping to build open source software to power some of these tools.

4.我們何時可以用facebook轉帳金錢?(When we can transfer money with Facebook?)

Mark Zuckerberg:We've already started rolling this out as part of Messenger. You can send money to someone just like you'd send them a photo, sticker or voice clip.


We're going to roll this out more widely soon, and it's an area I'm very excited about expanding over time.

5. 你有否學普通話的貼士?(What are your best tips for learning Mandarin?)

Mark Zuckerberg:The key is just practice. Learning a language is extremely humbling because there's no way to "figure it out" by just being clever. You just have to put in the time and let it seep into your mind.


The one thing I've tried to do is not too self-conscious about my lack of skill. Often when people try to learn a new language they'll just listen for a long time before speaking much because they aren't sure they can speak correctly.


If you can just dive in and force yourself to speak -- even if you get a lot of words wrong -- then you'll learn a lot faster.

