【限制聚集人數】勞工處呼籲外傭避免社交活動 僱主轉發菲律賓文印尼文健康資訊
發布時間: 2020/03/28 14:27
最後更新: 2020/03/28 14:49
【限制聚集人數】3月29日零時起禁4人以上公眾聚集 一文看清12項豁免情況
【限制聚集人數】一文看清下午6時起食肆新規定 關閉健身中心、燒烤場等
Since we heard the news that effective tomorrow, March 28, Saturday that "the Chief Executive announced that the limit of four people in a group would be applied to all public gatherings." In this regard, we would like to cancel all activities beginning tomorrow until further notice.We need to encourage our people to post inspirational messages, Bible Scriptures to uplift the reader in such a time like this.
Stay safe and God bless us all! God bless everyone!
Pakiusap, hanggat maaari,manatili lamang sa loob ng bahay, kung kinakailangang lumabas, hanggat maaari iwasan ang matataong lugar, and practice social distancing, may bagong panukala ang gobyerno ng Hongkong, Bawal na ang pagsasama sama o pagtitipon ng hihigit sa 4 na tao.
Manatiling ligtas at pangalagaan ang ating kalusugan.
Diharapakan tetap dirumah pada hari libur anda jika memungkingkan dan apabila ada kebutuhan untuk keluar rumah, pastikan untuk menghindari tempat keramaian dan tetap jaga jarak sosial, Pemerintah Hong Kong memiliki undang-undang baru, tidak ada pertemuan lebih dari 4 orang.
Tetap aman dan tetap sehat.
【手機播毒】新冠肺炎病毒可在手機生存9天 專家:每天用70%酒精消毒手機
【隔離令】家居檢疫人士疑違反隔離令 帶電子手環阿伯深水埗屋邨商場平台「散步」