【學英文】DSE考生應試Embrace the challenge 動詞「Embrace」正面用法


發布時間: 2020/04/27 14:21

最後更新: 2020/05/18 14:08



今屆DSE考生要迎難而上(embrace the challenge)應試。

中學文憑試的核心科目今天終於開考了。雖然社會事件及新冠肺炎大流行難免影響備試心情,但是考生仍要迎難而上(embrace the challenge),盡力應試。

動詞embrace帶正面意義,不但指「接受」,而且是「欣然接受、樂意採納」。例句︰The manager is glad that colleagues are flexible enough to adapt and embrace the new normal of virtual connectivity.(經理很高興同事們夠靈活,可以適應和接受虛擬聯繫的新常態。)Those businesses with mainly desk-based workforces is more likely to embrace the opportunity of remote working.(員工主要在桌上工作的企業更可能接受遙距工作。)

Embrace也可以解「包括」,用於指包括一系列不同的東西。例如,This book embraces a good variety of articles from famous writers.(這本書收錄了一系列不同著名作家的文章。)The new policy tries to embrace as many industries as possible.(新政策試圖涵蓋盡可能多的行業。)

Embrace還常用作指「擁抱」。例如,I saw them embrace with tears in their eyes.(我看到他們含淚擁抱。)She leaned over to embrace her son.(她彎腰去擁抱兒子。)


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